Democracy is a system of government where the people of a country have a say in their future. Capitalism is an economic system where available resources are all considered as things to be used to make certain people richer. The advantage of this system is that it is upwards looking, by which I mean everybody is given an opportunity. There is a certain amount of optimism of it.
The disadvantage of this is that the system can be corrupted and people who are not as ruthless and acquisitive can be exploited. If you think of it that way, then every country is actually capitalist - even so-called communist counties because there are always people who are exploited.
Personally, I think a system that looks after everybody will be capitalist, but in a Marxist way, greed must be reined in and taxation levels must be much more sensible. There is a certain amount anybody needs to live in an acceptable fashion and that should be the limit. Nobody needs a salary of hundreds of millions of dollars (or rupees).
In so-called democratic countries like India, the UK and the USA, the first step would be to make sure the funding of the elections comes from the central government, that publicity is doled out to every candidate at exactly the same rate and millionaires are only allowed to spend a legally stipulated amount. A level playing field of sorts. All lobbying must be banned, which means we have to expect a certain standard of education from our elected representatives so that they can do the research and figure out what the country really needs. (Which may not be what it wants).
It's all utopian but these are the kind of requirements that would control this sort of nonsense.